Monday, November 3, 2008

Tuesday Can't Come Too Soon...

Let's see...this weekend I saw people discussing how Barack Obama is the son of Malcolm X AND a discussion of how Obama is using hypnotic mind-control techniques to brainwash the masses. I've also seen McCain supporters quoted as saying they believe Obama is secretly raising an army of stormtroopers to impose his will upon white folks and that he plans to change the American flag to something with Muslim themes.

These people are all totally sincere. They really believe all this. They are completely insane. I'm actually totally terrified of what they're going to do if he wins. I like Obama. I don't think he's the Messiah, but he seems a decent and thoughtful man with two lovely little daughters, and I dread what will come to him in the next four years if he wins. I think he's willing to take that risk, and I admire him for that. As Greil Marcus closes in a beautiful essay called "I Believe All of the Polls, and None of Them,":

There are also comparisons to Lincoln, and these map the desert Obama as president would have to cross. "Instead of glory, he once said," the historian Richard Hofstadter wrote of Lincoln, "he found only 'ashes and blood.'" For the moment, for the country, perhaps for Obama too, that would be reward enough.

It's come, it's come!
And gone---here it is Wednesday morning and it wasn't a dream that for the first time in years I am happy about a presidential election. And so are the people around me--very odd. Very nice.
Now I'm off to have breakfast with your sister and a rubber tree plant.
I haven't been this happy about an election--heck, happy about my vote--for quite a while. I must admit to voting Nader in 1996. :) At the time, I felt very disappointed in Clinton for not living up to my hopes for him. I've learned my lesson (hard-taught by Bush) and when Obama lets me down I shall largely shrug and say "Well, at least he's not Bush." With two exceptions--increasing the presidential surveillance and torture powers will upset me, as will open campaigning against gay rights. Beyond that...well, he'll have achieved almost everything I wanted from him merely by taking the oath of office and replacing Bush.
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